You can call us at +61 9873 3092 or please fill in the contact form below.
Send Mail to PO Box 815, Templestowe VIC 3106
We are coaches and advisors so please take any violent or addictive behaviour to places like the Melbourne Clinic Day Program. We are here to help Quiet achievers get through their days with an increased level of support! We know there is some level of realtionship trianing involved in this and are ok with it if people are seaking help form elsewhere too with any potentially worrying behaviour that could potentially lead to a harmful outcome.
Sign up to watch this video entitled 'When Adversity OR Too Many Challenges Thrown At You At Once, And You Get You A Little Overwhlemed, perhaps do & read this' valued at $197. It is guaranteed to make you feel better!
Know someone else who needs this FREE video and FREE Bonus Book 'RICH KIDS' by Best Selling Author Tom Corley. If so, go ahead & share it!
We can all benefit from it's contents, no matter our age, and it was generously given by a contact that I know well and who has been so giving with his time and energy, and I thank him dearly!
PS > For Speaking Engagements, please email us via the below form.
If representing a school, University, Business or organisation please include the following: The name, location (Country/State/Suburb), size of School, University, Business or organisation & the nature of your request or query, plus your phone.
RR's Sister Company Wisdom & Business was founded in 2010. We provide some Done-For-You Digital Services for Lead Generation through High Value Business Sales, Marketing, Digital Systemisation for Corporates, SME’s, Sales Teams, Entrepreneurs, Speakers, Agencies, Coaches & Consultants worldwide.
We also offer digital online trainings, you can watch, on our main webpage, on leading edge sales, branding, mindset, website & marketing strategies. Grab them HERE
Past & Present Clients include Australia Post, Visy Industries, Australian Government (Federal, Local, State & Statutory bodies), NAB, Westpac, Origin, Optus, Cadbury Schweppes, Fosters, Linfox, Pacific Brands & many successful Speskers, Coaches & Consultants Worldwide.