Is this you?

Do you sometimes feel like a bad parent?

Is your teenager or young adult struggling in some way that makes you worry about their future?

Do you want to make sure they have the life skills and resilience necessary to handle anything that comes?

Do you wonder how to teach them how to tap into their higher purpose for life and make their dreams a reality?

Are you a teacher or facilitator that wants to give your students the ability to overcome any challenge within or outside of class?
How to take an anxious or struggling teen or young adult & ensure their resilience, wellbeing, fulfilment, life skills & overall happiness in just 5-15 minutes each week without them even having to leave their homes.
Exactly who is this for?
- This is particularly helpful for time poor and frustrated moms and dads who have teenagers or young adults who are anxious, or who are struggling with low confidence and self esteem or body image issues... and for parents who desperately want help to improve their family dynamic and their children’s lives, who need assistance and regular guidance on how to turn their lives around, in a sustainable and long lasting way, over time.
- This is also training tool for parents, teachers, youth workers, and organisations of any kind that have, or who work with young people (aged 12 – 30) to teach them valuable life skills and how to build resilience, all in a 5-15min online video format.
- Mom’s and Dad’s whose teenagers or young adults are doing extremely well, and who really want them to have all the practical life skills they need in order to face the many challenges in life. Parents can also utilise the insightful trainings in order to give teens and young adults the best chance at a successful, fulfilling, happy life.
- It is also for people in their 20’s or early 30’s who may be experiencing some difficult circumstances or relationships or who need help with their negative thinking or those who just want to take their lives to the next level so they can have fulfilling careers, healthy relationships and the kind of happiness they have always been searching for.
Why is this important for your teenager or young adult?
As a society we have it the wrong way around when Amy has memorised the periodic table but has failed to learn that there is nothing shameful about her body; and Fred has learned to be fluent in writing and speaking French but thinks nothing of hitting & hurting his Sister.
The problem is that, we are unconsciously handing down values instilled by our current culture, not teaching teenagers and young adults to consciously choose their core Values (or who they are ‘being’ as all thoughts, emotions and behaviours come from this) which they will want to live by as an individual, throughout their lives.

Add to this, the constant bombarding of messages in main stream media telling us what the perfect human should look like, eat like, smell like and dress like, and what to drive. This is messing with young people’s self-esteem, their beliefs about themselves and what they can offer the world.
It is impossible to live up to this ‘perfection’, so instead most turn on themselves, becoming self-critical and judgemental, creating false assumptions and patterns of negativity.
In addition social media creates the perfect platform for comparison of themselves to others who seem to have ‘perfect’ lives and personas, all of which is an illusion, because people only post what they want others to believe about them.
Unfortunately, innocent young people do believe these illusions which again drives more self-condemnation and criticism, which starts the patterns that can lead to unnecessary suffering.
Let's help our young adults thrive.
For those teenagers or young adults that are doing really well in life currently, let’s work together on keeping it that way, by preparing them NOW to bounce back from adversity, as quickly as possible rather than waiting until some tough situation or large life issue hits them, out of nowhere, sometime in the future when it is least expected.
If your teenager or young adult is struggling through life, it is not your fault nor their fault, they just need the right mentor from outside the family and educational system, that can help them through it all. Someone who will, rather than make them dependent, will empower them to employ these teachings into their own lives and successfully become independent, more confident, happier people.
So what can we do to change all of this?
This New Resilience & Life skills program Is Having INCREDIBLE RESULTS!
It’s Called “Resilience Rituals"
I believe teaching wisdom through education is the key, and have therefore built an online video training platform for teenagers and young adults that teaches all the concepts that I wish I had have known when growing up through major struggle, as I did, which leads them through how to build Resilience, life skills and the rituals (and habits) that will serve them in life to get through anything.
I wish to inspire and uplift and help teenagers & young adults to learn to tap into to their natural aspirations, to follow their instincts & embrace their true power so that they, as young and impressionable as they are, don't feel that in order to survive, they must give up their own truth in order to be ‘accepted’.....ensuring instead that they live life from the good values that they consciously choose, and develop a healthy love and appreciation for who they are, becoming ready, with the tools provided in these trainings, and willing to overcome the challenges they will surely come up against in their lives, understanding that challenge enables them to grow and develop into their own unique ‘greatness’.

As a wonderful personal mentor of mine, Brendon Burchard, says, “Greatness can only be achieved if we can overcome the terror within” …but first we need to teach them the ‘WHY’, WHAT‘, ‘HOW’ and WHO’….see below
It is easy to use and I personally teach you, your child or young adult in fun, entertaining but practical videos, each of the four modules outlined below:

Resilience Modules: WHY do they feel the way that they do
We explain how to live without fear and anxiety and the reasons why we all have negative thoughts and give strategies on how to manage and deal with their fears and release them as fast as possible, how to stop negative thinking and become optimistic, among many other life changing lessons. For those going through a tough time right now we give them strategies they can use immediately to overcome the challenge they are facing quickly and with the right attitude. We also have modules explaining how to identify or create the elements, values and beliefs they need in order to not just be ok, but to become happier in themselves.

Ritual Modules: WHAT they want to achieve & HOW they achieve it
This section builds the foundation for the rest of the program and teaches how to build daily rituals (and habits), along with the tools that can be built into their daily lives in order to achieve their desires. This section focuses on empowering students to manage their overall energy which covers diet and exercise, how to plan and become super productive and reach their goals, and how to make their money work for them rather than being a slave to it amongst many other beneficial modules. These will serve you or your teenager or young adult as if they set themselves up to have great days, they have great weeks, if they have great weeks, they have great months, and if they have great months, they have great years, and great years equal great decades, which eventually creates a great, happy, fulfilling life.

Life Skills Modules: WHO do they have to become in order to achieve it
Here we delve into everything else they need to know in order to navigate this complex road called life and this includes: how to create healthy relationships, what is love, body issues, how to manage emotions, how to live in the present moment, how to create a vision for your life, how to utilise your focus on the right things, how to become more creative and use this to knowledge to bring dreams to reality. We even explore spirituality and what it means to them. We teach them, through stories where possible, to trust and back themselves and how to really start to thrive.

Inspirational Interviews:
with Experts on Resilience or who have achieved something pretty miraculous in their lives and how they went about it, as well as people who have struggled or have overcome personal adversity, but have since gone on to achieve life happiness and success and the strategies they used to help them through these times in their lives so you or your teen or young adult can relate and understand that even though it feels like all may be terrible currently, they can and will overcome it all and go on to have a wonderful life.
You also get:
They can replay the videos anytime and reprint workbook as needed by teenagers, young adults, parents or teachers.
We are here to help you so your teenager or young adult does not reach a desperate level of despair, frustration and humiliation that can occur if nothing is done to help them deal with the challenges they are facing.
They also become part of a community, which is very important, in which they will feel like others do understand them, they are not alone, and they will feel supported by others who are facing an overcoming their own issues. They can also ask questions
You or your teen or young adult will have access to Facebook group to ask any question you or they might like. You can also email in your own questions and ideas to receive a response.
We’re here to support you by phone, mail and email.
Resilience Rituals is an Easy program to use:
Here’s What ‘Resilience Rituals’ Is:
- Resilience Rituals is a 5-15 min weekly video subscription program, to keep the momentum building. It is conveniently delivered online.
- Each video has a specific topic that will be explored e.g. How to overcome negative thoughts, or how to have a great relationship, all videos build on one another.
- Each video delivers practical information that they can immediately utilise in daily situations they face, and helps them build rituals (and habits) that will change their lives for the better

- It has sub-titles so can it be viewed anywhere, e.g. While travelling on a train or bus, without a headset.
- Your teenager or young adult can log into the program from any computer or device including tablets and smartphones, to watch the videos. There will be helpful reminders via email each week.
- They can watch the videos at a time that suits them and go back, to repeat videos as required.
- They can also attend bonus webinar, each presenting interviews from experts and others facing similar challenges.
It's not:
- A time intensive program that expects a massive amount from them on top of everything else they have going on, it is only a 5-15 min commitment per week
- A one-off event or speech that gives them some information but then leaves them to fend for themselves

About the mentor, Colleen Woodstock
- A Certified Neuro Linguistic Practitioner, trainer and coach who has leant from the best in the world on mindset, productivity, life skills, resilience and personal development
- Has lead and trained teams in blue chip Corporate roles to attain & manage successful multiple million dollar deals to the value of $54 million per annum
- An ex-fuller figured model so she has seen many models deal with body issues
- Mother of two boys (so this is personal for her)
- Creator of Resilience Rituals
- Speaker, Trainer & Presenter
There are many unique benefits that you or your teenager or young adult will get from this program
Here’s what you, your teen or young adult will get when enrolled in Resilience Rituals cutting edge, video based Mentoring Program:

Access to your mentor, Colleen
Access to me including 4 live group webinar sessions, 1 each quarter, and by email
Structured learning
- Weekly video sessions that will teach you or your teenager or young adult module-by-module, how to handle negative thoughts and emotions or challenging life circumstances, build resilience and life skills and create the rituals (and habits) that will underpin it all, and will get them through the ‘tough stuff’…….and most importantly, to believe in themselves… everything they need to live a happy, genuinely successful and fulfilled life.
- A downloadable Workbook so they can keep notes of their important learnings as they go.
- Bonus modules included.
Build a network
A mastermind group of likeminded people who are also doing the program.
Plus as an extra bonus, you will gain access to an exclusive 1 day event that will be held once or twice a year in Melbourne, Australia…however if you cannot attend, it will be recorded and placed inside the members area. Tickets are valued at $997.
You need a program for your child that fits into your and their lifestyle, that is flexible, convenient and supportive so he or she can…
- Access the program from anywhere at any time.
- Keep it short and simple as the videos are only 5-15 minutes long each week and cover one key learning at a time which they can practise and implement that week to make sure it ‘sticks’
- Have access to the program for as long as they are subscribed
- Watch the videos weekly at a time that suits them and repeat them as many times as required
- Access a program that is affordable and flexible with no lock in contracts, so you can cancel at any time…
- There is no time limit to finish the program, however it is advised that they do watch the videos on a weekly basis to keep up momentum

Resilience Rituals is different because:
A real, well qualified mentor will build rapport with you or your teenager or young adult while only covering one key learning within each 5-15 minute video. This means that your child will be more engaged and learn more effectively.
It provides logical explanations and on the spot practice which is simple to follow and makes learning so much easier… watch your teenager or young adult’s confidence soar.
It gives teens and young adults the confidence to overcome their difficulties and believe they can succeed and build a happy life…..How? Because they will have access to inspirational videos of people, all of whom, experienced tough times in their lives, and managed to overcome them and become happy, successful, and fulfilled. Plus we have interviews with experts who give them additional life skills tips, in so many areas of expertise. We show your teen or young adult it’s possible for them to succeed as well.
If you are finding it hard to get your teen or young adult out of the house or their bedrooms….
I remember going through stages in my life when I was down and out, but really didn’t want to express it with anyone, partly because I didn’t even know what was ‘wrong’, I just knew I didn’t feel good…
The beauty of the way this program is delivered is that you/they don’t have to go anywhere or speak with anyone about it (at least until we have built them back up enough to feel like doing so), they can just consume the content in the privacy of their own homes or bedrooms if they wish, in the meantime.
These are teachings go beyond what is currently found in schools and universities, but are absolutely necessary for youth personal empowerment.
What does Resilience Rituals cover?

Resilience Rituals is extremely effective because we are going to teach new topics and skills not taught elsewhere, and new ways of thinking about life situations.
The problem is that Memory & fact-based curriculums are predominant in schools, Universities and society as a whole. Right now, schools and Universities exist primarily to provide answers…. dates, facts and statistics.
Rather than teaching them WHAT to think (which is disempowering), teaching them HOW to think for themselves, is empowering.
Only through encouraging them to use their logic, critical thinking and problem solving skills and utilising the tools of their own intuition and deepest knowing to gain an understanding of what is most important to them, can they then go on to make the decisions that will create their own happy, fulfilled futures…..
…..which, by the way, is a critical necessity if we want to create a new generation of future leaders within our World.
Most fail to succeed because, quite simply, most will come up against hardship and then fail to continue to act and move towards their goals because of the way they have been programmed by the various influences around them. They live by the conclusions that have been handed down to them, without questioning whether these ‘assumptions’ that THEY HAVE UNCONSCIOUSLY TAKEN IN, really are enabling them to thrive as individuals.
The entertaining but practical videos will teach them the Resilience, Ritual (habits) and life skills that will take them to a happy, bright, healthy & fulfilled future’s exploring core concepts using VALUES based teachings rather than fact & memory based curriculums which are predominant in schools, Universities and our society today.
We teach teenagers and young adults what values are (eg. Honesty) and our intention & purpose is to help them explore those values, learn how to use and apply them in a practical way, in everyday situations they would find themselves in.

We teach them to direct their FOCUS toward WHAT they want to achieve and WHO they have to become in order to achieve it.

Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher said:
"To find yourself, think for yourself."
His method was to teach or raise a topic, and then ask questions and have his students think for themselves to reach a conclusion. This teaches them to think for themselves, rather than just regurgitating information they have been given.
And this is what we are aiming to get young people to do in this program.
We encourage all young people to discover and create answers for themselves, supported by LEADING EDGE content, so they develop their knowledge on how to create a successful life, and share these answers with the whole group to get a discussion going with others, which also helps them know that they are not alone.
There is no innovation, creativity or leadership in consciously or unconsciously choosing to 'follow the crowd'
By taking their own path they:
- Develop their own, healthy, empowered beliefs about life, as only then can they take full ownership of them
- Get to know who they are in the face of all that they are experiencing day to day and truly find their own strength, ability to make good decisions & find true, lasting happiness from within
- Don't have to rely on circumstances outside of them to be different, like most people do, before they can become happy
Happiness doesn't depend on external things, but rather, on how those things are used.
A good example is how someone will use the money that they earn in life.
A wise person will use money in the right way in order to make his life better; and an ignorant or uneducated person will be wasteful and use money poorly, ending up even worse than before.
So, we cannot say that money by itself will make someone happy. Money is only good when it is in the hands of a wise person.
This same scenario can be applied for any external good: any possessions, any qualities, even good looks or abilities. It all depends on how well we use them.

People, especially young people need to learn how to use what gifts, skills, money, talent and knowledge (knowledge being the most important, according to Socrates) they acquire WISELY. To set goals; then develop their skills, learn as much knowledge they can as to how to build a successful life, and then apply overall wisdom in order to achieve those goals and become happy.
Once they learn how to do this, then we teach them the life skills and how to build strategies and rituals into their lives, based on the goals they are trying to achieve, that will keep them on the path to achieving them and having a good, fulfilling time in the process! Put simply, in this video program, they will learn how to apply WISDOM to their lives, not just knowledge, which will help them greatly in all future situations they find themselves in, in order to become genuinely happy.
We make learning fun…and to keep it simple and share stories to back it all up that they can relate to and remember.
We sympathise but don’t let them get stuck where they are, or worse, continuously dragging the past into the present…our key messages are around always moving forward, with your life no matter what.
They are encouraged to stay brave, courageous and we empower them with the skills, knowledge and tools they need. By making positive changes, and thinking about things differently they will see positive effects in their lives in many ways.
It is easier to build resilient, wise children and teenagers than repair broken men or women.
Now you have finally found the solution you’ve been searching for to take you or your teenager or young adult from suffering to thriving
How To Get Started…
Resilience Rituals is structured in such a way to make it affordable for you or your family
at just $27.00 USD per month OR
If you want to reduce your cost even further you can make one complete annual payment of $297.00 USD (that’s a saving of 12%)
And don’t forget, all immediate family members can access the program at no extra cost...
There are no lock in contracts and you can cancel at any time.
If you are an organisation or Institution, please contact us directly regarding a license to utilise the program.
We are only taking a limited number of people through this program and it will cap out, SO to give you an incentive to be one of the first 300 to sign up, we are offering…
You will receive multiple bonus video and audio modules which will be released throughout the program which are:
- Overcoming negativity
- Managing your energy 4 part series
- Love Your Body
- What Elements Do I need to be Happy?
These bonuses are collectively worth $1497
To Buy Choose Your Option Below
Pay with Paypal
$1 for the first 30 days then only $27.00 USD per month
Pay via Credit Card
$1 for the first 30 days then only $27.00 USD per month
We accept credit card and Paypal via our certified secure online payment system.

NEXT STAGE: Once you purchase and fill out your details, you will gain immediate access to module one of the program, and the log-ins will be delivered via email.
It will be delivered weekly via email from then…or you can log-into your membership site using your email address and unique password which will be provided on sign up.

Try it out. We give you a 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee!
If at any time in the next 30 days you are not completely satisfied OR you don’t see drastic improvement, (or for whatever reason) just let us know and we will refund all of your money, No Questions Asked, and No Strings Attached!
That’s our guarantee.
More Convenient & Worthwhile Than Going to a Psychologist or Therapist, or even Hiring A ‘Coach’.
In relation to cost, I’m wondering if you have ever considered paying a Psychologist, Therapist or ‘Coach’ for your teen or Young Adult?
Firstly, there is a big difference between learning from an extremely well trained personal mentor, as opposed to a ‘life coach’. Put simply, a personal mentor has usually achieved some incredible results in their lives and can show others how to do the same as opposed to a coach who has been trained how to coach but who lacks the results to back it up (this is not to say there are some coaches out there who have the results to back it up but they are much harder to find).
It cost me hundreds of thousands and years and years of trial and error and research that has resulted in this video training program, being personally mentored by some of the best personal development coaches in the world that would cost you or anyone else a ridiculous amount of time and money to replicate.
If you did decide to try and find ‘the right’ Psychologist, Therapist or coach instead to help your teen or young adult, you could pay up to $150 per hour, which gets expensive. 2 sessions a month at $150 for 6 months is $1800 and if you do this for a year it is $3600.
Also, I know that in the USA and Australia, if people are diagnosed as depressed or anxious, then it can affect how much you will have to pay for future health insurance, as it will be considered a pre-existing condition, and it will cost so much more, or you will have to pay out of pocket fees.

Also, a Psychologist or Therapist focuses heavily on the problem, but a good mentor figures out what is wrong and then focuses heavily on the solution.
What I personally found with a Psychologist or Therapist (and this is not a hit at them as I have great respect for the service they provide), when I went for relationship counselling with a partner I had in my 20’s, was that they focus was massively put on the problem or negative situation, which kept us stuck in it…rather than acknowledging the problem and moving through it fast, to then allow the focus to be on finding one or more solutions.

The wise Philosopher Socrates said:
"Falling down is not a failure. Failure comes when you stay where you have fallen."
Yes, it’s ok to talk through problems, but if you stay focused on a problem too long, it will drain your energy and mental capacity which makes it very hard to rise above it and allow a solution to be reached, which just makes the situation worse, not better. Scientifically, what we focus on builds neural pathways in the brain, so we have to be very careful how much time we give to a problem, as opposed to the solution.
We teach that the choices they have made and the actions they have taken have lead to this point in time, but they are not their ‘mistakes’ and their future should not be defined by their past, and by choosing new thoughts, beliefs and habits, they will be lead to a happier life.
See this table below which compares the cost of hiring a standard ‘Life Coach’, Psychologist or Therapist for a year when compared to Resilience Rituals
Resilience Rituals mentoring | Psychologist or Therapist or Life Coach | |
Cost | $27/month or $297/annum | $150 for 2 sessions a month or $10,800 for 3 years |
Short weekly videos to stop overwhelm and build momentum | ||
Flexible viewing times | ||
Flexible location | ||
Can repeat videos anytime | ||
Bonus ticket to online mentoring group session | $297 value | |
Bonus lessons at no extra cost | ||
Bonus audios, on different topics | ||
Includes 4 live group mentoring webinars to ask questions | Priceless | |
Access to Facebook Group | Priceless | |
Begins with Resilience modules! | ||
Offers Rituals modules to implement to ensure ongoing success & fulfillment | ||
Offers Life Skills modules on huge range of topics to set student up for ongoing success & fulfillment | ||
Offers interviews to inspire & so they know they are not alone facing these challenges | ||
Workbook provided | ||
Engaging, entertaining format | ||
Bonus written handouts they can print out and keep close to review anytime | ||
Up to date, cutting edge methods & material they can use to model what the best in the world are doing | ||
Teachings not found in schools or Universities & are original | ||
Money back guarantee in first month! | ||
Access for all of your family members so they can utilise trainings | ||
Key learnings they may not otherwise learn in a lifetime | ||
Ability to ask questions via our Facebook Group | ||
Designed to empower |
We are dedicated to helping you, your teenager or young adult find peace, genuine fulfilment and happiness in their lives. I wish you and your teenager, young adult or student every success.
Join Resilience Rituals program right now and transform your child’s life.
To Buy Choose Your Option Below
You pay for the program either up front or pay as you go.
Resilience Rituals is structured in such a way to make it affordable for you or your family. You can either pay per month or if you want to reduce your cost even further you can make annual payments
Pay with Paypal
$1 for the first 30 days then only $27.00 USD per month
Pay via Credit Card
$1 for the first 30 days then only $27.00 USD per month
We accept credit card and Paypal via our certified secure online payment system.

NEXT STAGE: Once you purchase and fill out your details, you will gain immediate access to module one of the program, and the log-ins will be delivered via email.
It will be delivered weekly via email from then…or you can log-into your membership site using your email address and unique password which will be provided on sign up.