Why Purpose Matters.
Have you ever wondered why Having A Purpose In Life Matters?
Also, a big question for so many is "How I go about finding my Purpose?"
You are not necessary meant to know what your life purpose is yet...life wants you to try things and then decide for yourself. Some of you may already know and that is wonderful, but you are one of the lucky few. If you don’t know what it is yet, we show you what to do.
The purpose of finding your purpose is so that you can love what you do and share that love with the rest of the world, and to possibly collaborate with others who are also doing what they love and that is when your world expands in a big way ie. When you collaborate or work with others, as you can only do accomplish much on your own and then your creation can expand beyond what you ever thought possible. Your creation or what it is you decide to put your energy into becomes a piece of a puzzle that fits into a much greater whole.
Resilience in kids and Resilience in teenagers is easier to create if they are chasing their dreams and goals and they are aware of what their purpose may be (even if it is not fully formed yet) because they have meaning in their lives and can therefore bounce back a lot quicker from any adversity. So, the sooner they connect to their purpose, the better.
I have to say that wish I had have known this when I was younger...it would have saved me so much time! I share what I now know to be true after years of research.
We discuss why purpose matters and so much more in the video. So, check it out.
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