Helping Youth Thrive Through Resilience Rituals (and become a Quiet Achiever)
by giving them the knowledge & resources to move from stuck, insecure or worried, to feeling Alive and On Purpose.
Perhaps no obstacle to full engagement is so persistant and troubling as insecurity and low self-esteem and consistent worry over what could go wrong or what you may not have done correctly in the past. Lots of factors cause these feelings but positive rituals can change everything in your personal life along with systems in your professional life to gain a greater sense of self confidence. The truth is that we are all going to mess up along the way sometimes! Being commited to ensuring that we do our best to fix up any issues and communicate our feelings and also rectify any problems or mistakes along the way, is all we can commit to doing and once learned, try not to repeat them (our blogs go into more depth about this)!
Having said the above, managing our energy, resilience and continuously learning, not time, are the main factors to feeling enough, and achiving healthy realtionships, happiness and overall wellbeing!
We aim to inspire, uplift, and providing cutting edge knowledge and wisdom to the next generation (please note we have to legally say it is for 18+ audience, however younger people can watch with parental supervision - as it is mostly G rated content as per our television ratings!!), through the most advanced video and online technology available today. NOTE: We all have technology issues sometimes too!
We give them all the information and support they need to overcome adversity and challenge and empower them to become the best versions of themselves, and by doing so, build their resilience, wellbeing, and happiness (which is what we all really want) which leads to success and fulfillment, now and into their futures.
This has a flow on effect on all others they interact with and therefore their influence and ability to lead. The next generation are our future leaders and therefore it is in all of our best interest to invest our energy into empowering them through the right kind of education, whilst assisting parents, educators, community and business leaders (they choose themselves!).
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RR is dedicated to reducing these statistics, one person at a time.
RR is aimed at 10-39yrs who want to learn the life skills that will take them to a happy, healthy, fun & fulfilled future. This leading edge information changes how they think about themselves & their interactions with others, giving them the knowledge & tools to handle negative thoughts & emotions, conflict, tough situations, & relationships & teaches how to bounce back & keep moving forward, growing & gaining insight about themselves.
Ultimately, we aim to teach individuals HOW to think differently & how to apply WISDOM in everyday situations....NOT WHAT to think ie. just memorising knowledge & facts which is how the majority are taught currently, which will help them greatly in all future situations they find themselves in.
This information cannot be found elsewhere, compliments any curriculum & is absolutely necessary for youth & adult empowerment. RR can be used as a video based training tool for parents, teachers, youth workers, & youth based organisations, of any kind that work with young people or adults…. find out more on our homepage.
We aim to build a real support network, which is super important, and we answer as many questions as we can from our subscribers and have created community of people who want and are ready for the knowledge we are providing.
Get Access to our Exclusive Patreon Community
Attention Parents, Teachers, Youth Workers & Organisations that work with Teenagers or Young Adults aged 10-39, in order to continue bringing you and those most important to you leading edge content, we would love you to become Patreons of our work, so we can continue to bring educate the next generation, our future leaders.
Why become a Patreon?
Well, many reasons....it can take up to 40 hours to create each single video, there are also the costs of hiring a studio for interviews, professional video editors etc. The videos we create are used both on Youtube, our blog and inside our membership site and any donations are reinvested back into creating more incredible content to help make a difference because of alarming stats listed above.

If you decide to become a Patreon of Resilience Rituals, which you can do for as little as $1 a month, you will get access to additional information, bloopers and gold nuggets of wisdom that we save just for you!
Well we are totally dedicated to providing the knowledge that makes the difference to the lives of those currently suffering from all of the issues listed on our homepage.
You can feel incredible about being part of our community because you are helping to take our Youth, from suffering, to having hope, being happy and thriving.
We genuinely care and have their best interests at heart, because we are parents too.
Gain Access to our Exclusive Patreon Community by clicking here...it can save lives....

About the Founder of RR
Let’s hear direct from the founder of Resilience Rituals, Colleen Joy Woodstock, otherwise known as CJ…
I love being a mentor. Moving people from stuck or anxious through to alive and on purpose, thrills me!
"I get up every day to mentor young people all over the world by teaching them how to become the best versions of themselves, and by doing this, the world becomes a better place for not only them and their families now, but for future generations."
I say this to myself every morning. It has become my mission, my legacy.
Why? I am a parent too, and I would do anything I can to assure great futures for my children, and also increase the harmony in my home, between family members. I know other parents want this too, and therefore I decided to build an online resource, that is extremely low priced for the value it delivers, to help time poor parents, help their teenagers and young adults.
Parents are up against so much, and most Mum & Dad’s are both out working full time these days in order to make ends meet (no judgement here!) so have very little time for themselves, let alone their offspring. There is also so much going on in society currently with the negative effects of social media and media in general etc. so I felt it was time to pitch in and share all the knowledge I have learned in order to make a difference, to children, teens, young adults, parents and families all over the world.
This is also a resource for those in their late twenties and early thirties who want to know what it takes to become a high performer and live their lives with full engagement, which ultimately leads to fulfillment.
I speak about parents above, but any educator or coach can utilise these trainings in a one-on-one or group enviroment also to inspire discussion and learning amognst their students.
We also give much information away for free to those in needs in poorer socio-economic groups in order to have the impact we wish to have on future generations around the globe.
What has driven me in life is an insatiable want to learn and improve myself and, I went out and took calculated risks and pushed myself, just to see what I was made of and what was possible for me. With humility, I can say that by doing this I achieved some pretty great results. By doing this, and by working with an observing other incredible high performers, I have now identified what works and created a system that anyone can utilise to give them the best chance of achieving the results that they wish to achieve in life as a high achiever.
Along the way, I learned many things from incredible mentors and leaders, some that you would instantly know the names of and others you won’t but who still had an incredible impact on me…and I am sharing these learnings within RR, along with everything I have figured out through trial and error on my own just by going out and putting it into action, so you or your offspring can learn from my wins and my failures (and yes there have been plenty of failures!), which is the beauty of learning from a qualified mentor, it shortcuts the journey to your success by half the amount of time, at least!
There is no end to how much we can grow, and success leaves clues, but you don't have to be the detective, as I have done this for you...and put all of this cutting edge knowledge together for you into never ending, step by step entertaining short videos.
RR has been inspired by many mentors, authors, speakers and philosophers that I have studied over the last 22 years.
The More Formal Bio!
Colleen has a completely different philosophy about how to become successful in life and in business to most people, and it genuinely comes from the desire to make a difference in the lives of others, and to provide a huge amount of value, and to do it all from a place of genuinely having the other party’s best interests in mind, caring deeply, following her own intuition, practising kindness, compassion and non-judgement, knowing that every individual is worth the effort.
The best part in all of this is that once you adopt this strategy in life and business, you too will to feel fantastic about what you do, and how you do it, which will boost your overall life force, ensuring that you will want to do business and build relationships and live and do everything from this empowered place.
Living from this mindset and philosophy is what has created the success in her life, and she has a desire to share all of this with you in order to help you live the full, expressive, multi-faceted, rich life that you also sincerely deserve, which will flow over from your day to day life into your relationships, your studies, business and all other areas.
During her Sales and Marketing and consulting career, she has spent her days pitching for and winning blue chip Clients such as Australia Post, Visy Industries, all sectors of the Government (Federal and State, Local and not for profit), National Australia Bank, Origin Energy, Optus, Cadbury Schweppes, Fosters, Linfox, Pacific Brands, and a number of other large players, including the Australian Football League (AFL), achieving many multi-million dollar sales (the highest being for $54 million annually), but despite her successes, she remains humble in every way and just wants to serve and help others.
She has also consulted to many high profile worldwide speakers and business owners. This is not said to impress you but to let you know that she is genuine, the ‘real deal’.
Colleen can offer you insights, from having worked with the biggest and the best Mentors and Companies, across many industries, and even more importantly, she will share with you simple, easy to apply tools, strategies and knowledge that you can use straight away to leverage YOUR time and maximise your growth and potential, whilst giving you more time to focus on the things that truely matter to you and your family.