This is a fairly long post, but is so worth the read, therefore please put aside 10 minutes to read it and if you believe there could be some truth to any of it, perhaps share it with those you love and care for....you have permission to do so (ideally please quote resiliencerituals.com/blog).
I am using important time, that I could be using to do other things, to write this to you and for you & your families, to help all of our situations and potentially stop issues in your life.
A reputable GP Doctor I saw last year after having some health issues, confirmed my theory, which went like this: If we operate in Defence mode when it comes to protecting our health, then we will be so much less likely to end up in hospital.
This may seem obvious to some but Defence & protection mode through daily self care rituals like eating raw foods including herbal teas like T2's lemongrass & ginger, peppermint etc plus a home made lemon based liquid recipe I will release further down this page, along with daily stretching & regular exercise (all of this information has been made available for free in this blog & has been available here for approximately the last 2-3 years) can save us all.
Also please keep in mind that it is up to us, as individuals and family members, to stay alert & informed through trusted media programs & Google (perhaps more than one article or source as people can write whatever they want on google, so we much do our research utilising multiple sources).
Please read this blog post with compassion, knowing it is intended to help & inform people about a different way of dealing with potential lung related issues, plus the viruses & bacterial infections that can cause damage to these ridiculously important organs (perhaps even long term damage if not treated) as it took years to compile this information, and I am sharing it with you for FREE (with no payoff other than to SAVE LIVES).
So, please leave your judgement at the door and take this well meaning advice, as just that, advice or guidance...! ; }
The kit I put together to help people combat asthma or any lung related issue, to open up someone's airways is pictured above.
The silver packets are nebulisers which you can run through this respirator system which costs about $190 plus $15 for the mask attachments which help administer this to children in particular (also see the picture below).
The orange asthma pump is a preventative powder and is called Flixotide. This is fairly new & may or may not be the right treatment in your situation. Perhaps just a normal gas Asthma pump might be the way to go for many.
This kit combined with a normal asthma inhaler can help anyone wheezing or struggling to breathe, by assisting in keeping your airways open (you can also take up to 12 puffs of an asthma pump in one go every few hours).
You will need to see your Doctor and ask for a prescription for the nebulisers & for the oral Flixotide preventative powder.
If you don't treat certain viruses & internal infections, as stated above, leaving them too long could result in pneumonia or potentially long term damage to lungs, so please treat yourself & others with the upmost care, & I suggest you take chesty coughs seriously (which may also require antibiotics to heal completely, perhaps in addition to this kit which will help you to breathe properly while recovering).
Many cases are mild but if you get influenza or other viruses quite badly, then a dose of oral steroids can also help to keep your airways open (from your doctor who has to diagnose you to give you a prescription please do not self administer steroids).
I have learned a lot of this from our family's doctor, and this information applies as much to adults as to children.
I used nebulisers in the respirator myself to get over a bad dose of the flu & possibly another virus, because I found it so hard to breathe properly and this is how I know that it works.
We know someone that passed away from pneumonia, which is what the flu can turn into if left untreated for too long (fluid in the lungs) so please don’t underestimate what can happen & see a medical professional as soon as possible.
I was a bit run down at the time and caught it so bad. If I didn’t have this kit, I think I may have ended up in hospital. I suggest those struggling to breathe like this who perhaps do not get the relief that they need, should seek medical advice.
When I had it, I was really struggling to breathe. I included loads of vitamin C powder (the Bioceutical Practitioner brand is what I recommend), garlic and lots of greens, even green spinach & fruit smoothies in my diet & in addition, or if you have another vitamin C supplement already, perhaps try my recipe as follows:
As you may or may not know, there is a massive labour shortage already and big organisations are under heavy strain (so please deal with them with compassion as they are people like you and I and are doing their best…some of them are my friends in management positions).
Potential issues could come in the form of labour shortages from people getting sick can contribute to issues in our forevermore economy, even in Government organisations etc) & even stop lives being lost...
Even Coles, one of our main Australian supermarket chains, need 400 people nationally so if you want work maybe apply to help them.
Please be aware that, illness etc can put a lot of pressure on our large supermarkets and supply chains, farmers and fresh food production, which is already a big enough challenge.
Maybe just prior to Spring, plant out those herb & veggie seeds you may have tucked away somewhere, so you are not completely reliant on our supermarkets and have organic food on hand in your backyard! I love gardening, it’s so therapeutic
As we move out of Winter months, and into Spring, the world may have a short reprieve until the other side of the world goes into Winter which is highly likely as everyone huddles together inside and passes it around if they are not careful.
People are charged or have to pay for this information normally, but I am releasing it for free to potentially save lives, so please respect what I am trying to do to help you by providing as much information as possible here.
Those with compromised immune systems or lung issues of any kind, please take extra care.
Washing your hands before eating after being out can also save your life, which then can save your family and friends because you won’t get it, so will not pass it on to them.
Obviously, simple actions like staying home if unwell and washing your hands can literally save lives also, and remember that prevention is better than cure.
After experiencing the flu so bad possibly on top of a viral infection, I can’t help but take it very seriously, and protect my eldest Son who has asthma, with everything I now know.
These people who have medical issues already are the ones most at risk, so please be respectful of other peoples beliefs as not everyone has a perfect immune system or may have pre-existing conditions or may be under loads of stress and become run down which makes them more susceptible.
This post is intended as guidance (and perhaps an alternative solution, as beds hospital are filling up), but I am not telling you what to believe, that bit is completely up to you.
Sending loads of love your way
PPS. The Government is asking us to stay home & work from home where possible and practical to do so and it is really up to us to do everything we can as individuals for our families and children and here is the quote and link from the Government:
The Minister for Health in our Country was also requesting that employers consider working from home arrangements in Winter 2022 that are most appropriate for their workplace and employees based on individual requirements (& were encouraging us to do so where possible).
As the years roll on, it is easy to forget what the world went through. Covid & the deadly flu still exist.
Hospitals ran out of beds at one stage. So those gravely ill could not get hospital treatment, which is awful. Many missed procedures during lockdowns which banked up the hospital admission system, and the paramedics are under significant pressure. I feel for all people in this field but also thank them for their service.
However to end this article on a good note, there are many alternative ways to assist your immune system, be in defence mode, as prevention is always better than cure, however if you do happen to find yourself a bit run down & sick, perhaps assembling a kit like this, will assist in ways you cannot imagine.
Even just having it on hand, can help make you feel better about your chances of recovery, & please know in the back of your mind that you, your family & your children have the appropriate medical kit to help you through it, in the comfort of your own home.
To a speedy recovery if you find yourself unwell like so many have. ; }
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