Do you think you may be getting it 'wrong' in life?
Tell me this.......
If a child is singing slightly off-key, do you tell her to shut the heck up?
Is this how you imagine that she will keep loving singing, or to keep loving who she is?
Or do you inspire her by telling her to reach greater heights, and to go learn more and to keep on singing?
Now, what if this were an adult?
If I were listening to you sing as best you can in life, no matter what it sounded like, I would call it beautiful.
There are no "bad notes" when you sing.
There is only you, singing your heart out to the best of your ability.
You are God's Orchestra, the conductor, all of it. It is through you that God orchestrates life itself.
(Replace 'God' with the word 'Life' if you wish).
There are no "bad notes" when you choose to sing and play. There is only you, playing your heart out, trying to get it right."
If I fail to see that beauty in that and in you, there is something wrong.
The soul beholds beauty even when the mind cannot understand or denies it.
Therefore always try to see and listen with your Soul.
It is your Soul that sees the beauty in all things, and the wonder and the truth of these words.
Your mind could potentially deny it.
Therefore, do not stop the symphony you are playing, or that others are creating, because you think you hear a bad note.
Simply learn from it, keep learning and change your tune.
It is all about who you are is less about what you are doing, although this is still important.
The measure of mental health is the disposition to find good everywhere. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Treasure Life. Preserve Life. Love life. Celebrate Life. Especially your own life.
Be gentle. Be Kind. To yourself and others. Your actions and words matter....and YOU matter.
PS. Want to know how to change your tune?
Watch this Video
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~ Concept adapted from Neale Walsh
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