Affirmations are thoughts you have thought over and over that have been accepted by your subconscious and turned into a belief, through repetitive thinking.
We are creatures of habitual thinking. But we can change these thinking patterns that aren't helping us over time and create new thoughts and beliefs that do serve us long term, because what you think is what you end up being, or living into.
So, it follows that you must rehearse who you wish to become, which is why it is important to create and affirm power statements, which is what I am going to tell you more about in the video.
Power statements are commonly known as affirmations, but I much prefer to think of them as intentions, because this is more than just a mental exercise of repeating one liners over and over, this is deciding how it is now going to be for you from now on!
You have to believe the statements you are repeating, are in fact possible for you, so that, with repetition, they eventually become a 'knowing'. Effectively, you are making it your intent to achieve or become this statement....which is why it is necessary to affirm them within your own mind with 'power'.
In the video, I give examples of power statements you may wish to utilise and if you repeat these with positive emotion, out loud, on a daily basis they will become unconscious beliefs after a certain period of time (which varies for everyone, we discuss this further also).
You can choose to change your thought patterns and overall attitude over time and become someone new, decide to reinvent yourself and not become a victim of your own thought patterns anymore. It does take commitment and practise, but it is totally worth it as you are effectively rewiring your brain into thinking new thoughts that serve you long term.
And how is this related to being resilient? Well, training your brain to think empowering thoughts is key to positive mental health and social and emotional wellbeing which is why you need to check out the video now as we go into this in depth, but we have kept the actual video short for you...
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