I love every continent and Country and all of their people too. I particularly love the Southern hemisphere, Australia and her Pacific, because that is where I reside.
I love this beautiful ball we live on, teeming with life, called Earth.
With the emergence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Digital Marketing that gives us more of the sorts of things we focus on (ie. it learns what we buy and shows us similar items for instance), we have to be very careful what we are focusing in on.
This means that our online worlds, ie. the internet, can be a very dark and scary place or a very inspiring and motivating place! It all depends on what we are focusing on in a google search.....as the software behind it all will give keep giving us more of what we are looking for.
As I say on the front page of our website, Resilience is ridiculously important, AND it is best to not go looking for trouble!!
This is because, the more trouble you find yourself in, the more you have to be resilient about! (1)
This applies to individuals too, including myself. I try and stay out of trouble and stay in integrity as best I possibly can, but mistakes and the unexpected does happen!
I am never out looking for trouble, just compassion and understanding for all people and Countries and their plights, understanding that there are things we do not yet understand about them and if we spent a day in their shoes, we may perhaps see things VERY differently.
Like many, I struggle with some of the news reports I see about people getting themselves into trouble.
I also see scary headlines and footage on on free to air Television channels that our young people are watching.
How do we deal with this?
A good way to think about this is to ask; what we are trying to teach our Youth? Our Next Gen Youth?
It is for them that I write this. It is for them and for leaders trying to make a difference, that I created this whole website. It is for them that I give my time, my effort and the best of me here. I hope this is what you see in my writing.
They are potentially seeing things that are so awful, so horrible and so hard to deal with in their youth, things that are hard enough to understand as an adult, so I can only imagine what young minds think of such things.
I think some of the best advice I have received is to simply not tune in, or turn these programs or video footage off, perhaps once you establish the key points.
This footage is worth watching though!!
BY Lewis Howes who is an excellent mentor, and interviewer of incredible people. (NOTE: perhaps open it in another window and then pop back in here with me to continue this trajectory of thought).
Before I added this footage to this blog I also wrote the following which backs them up.
To most problems, I say the answer is to try and solve it with as much love and compassion as we can. Someone very wise who happened to go through something fairly devastating, said to me; When you do things from a place of love you cannot go too far wrong.
I suggest that you Tell Your Truth about what it is you wish to see and focus on ie. HEALTHY behaviours, foods, relationships, bodies and programs etc
I admit it take courage, and it is not always easy to do so.
I never said it was easy. It take willingness, willpower, guts and determination and the willingness to look like an idiot sometimes and have others perhaps give you a bit of a hard time, until they eventually realise who your really are, and how your actions at that time mattered and made a difference. If you act, as best you possibly can, in integrity and in the highest interests others, yourself and all people.
Perhaps look harder, find the detail that matters and take it and tell it to people that can help you make a difference. Find the meanings that matter, perhaps even the passages in the scriptures that can help others beyond belief. Look for things, the details that others may not be seeing.
Your focus matters, and I do everything I can to focus on the solution.
Even if you don’t understand or they won’t let you in or tell you why they feel the way that you do, you can invite them in, in another way. I have when I felt someone out of sorts, upset and dismayed, I have said to them, write with me, or talk to me. It might make us both feel better.
Maybe, rather than making physical love with someone besides our partners, we could almost make a sort of love with our minds in a way, with words, or picking up a paintbrush, or perhaps even with a grey lead pencil or instrument and share this soothing practice with another.
I recommend that we come in with love and take care of our most vulnerable worldwide.
Let’s help them however we can, in their time of need and they might just do the same for us one day!
Sri Lanka and Korea have had food crisis' already and other economic issues and we may be able to help them and their people, in particular their children, have enough food. Even if it is teaching them via Zoom, how to farm differently, or perhaps budget what they have to make enough to buy equipment that could change everything for them.
Having said this, there is nothing like being taught or being cared for by someone, that genuinely cares enough to assist you or reach out to someone that can help you on your behalf.
I also say, if we focus on the ‘wellbeing of the people’, invite them in, tell them your truth and encourage healthy discussion, encourage them to do useful work, tell them of your belief in them. Give them your trust love and support…believe in them and ask them to be trustworthy and worthwhile of your time and efforts and see the best in them.
I maintain that our model, the way we live and how look after people with what is traditionally known as ‘The Dole’ and which is now called Jobseeker….it is a basic amount of money that can help people pay their way until they find employment.
So many Countries, do not have such a payment. Thankfully a lot have food stamps which are fantastic, and which help, but people need money to pay for accommodation. They may have some for the underprivileged and many organisations that help those in need.
I am not sure about other Countries but I think that this model of ensuring those who are vulnerable, a lot of the time through no fault of their own, get back on their feet. Can we not share our resources wisely so there is 'enough food, clothing and shelter for all?
If we take care of people when they need it the most, when we reach out with compassion, love and support and belief in them, without expectation, then they may offer us the same in our moments of need, or perhaps a comrade or loved one, not even now but in the future.
Trying to explain things from your perspective can require a lot of effort, examples, and repetition to get the message to land with certain people who are very stuck in their ways.
We are not necessarily trying to achieve peace, but an understanding, which can result in compassion and love and even passion between two parties that just wasn’t there before.
The want to understand, the willingness to give your time, to make the effort, to care about another, particularly another that is vulnerable, can change everything.
Never stop attempting to turn those people you may see as problems, issues or even dare I say it, even those you be tempted to think of as enemies or bad guys (or at least those with opposing views and perhaps actions to yours) into people that understand you, your actions, and your motives by being willing to tell your truth openly and in doing so in a way that says, this is what I stand for, but you also have important views and I will listen and keep explaining why I see it differently, and ask you to treat me as a friend, and instead of hurt me, help me, and I will continue to help you, even if it is only by explaining concepts and giving you information that will help you.
You never know but perhaps eventually allow a friendship to form. They may realise that you are actually worth their efforts, time and favourable attention too, and everyone else around you may benefit.
Just to cover off on perhaps what it is that we want to see instead, maybe it is this....please treat me like I am your friend....perhaps even a BEST friend. Maybe, just maybe, Countries can treat each other this way too and offer that friendship, support and care...say I know you may be hurting right now. We are too. Even if you feel like you cannot be our best friends, I ask that you do not harm me or the people or country, world and animals that I love.
Aussie's love people, many of us have married internationally and adore our mates overseas and here and we bust ourselves to help them as much as we can. We have traveled far and wide, and hopefully have showed people enough, who we are.
We have friends in the Commonwealth but they are not the only ones we share our plates, time and energy with, like the Queen of England did, we travel everywhere. We adore you all and share our stories far and wide. We are not all the same, but we can sniff out when something isn't quite right and get a bit nervous and say, "come on Mate, be a decent bloke or person, please don't mess with what is sacred to us, which is our MATESHIP, and is what we always fall back on."
We look after each other. Please treat us right, and we will do the same.
We spend time caring, looking into the eyes of another, seeing them, really seeing them and saying it's going to be ok my friend, no matter what challenge comes our way, thank you for your efforts and for being respectful towards us. Let's back each other in.
We almost care too much sometimes and make protecting our innocent, everywhere in the world our priority. We keep people accountable but also give them the chance to rectify their mistakes, without raking them through the coals, as long as they are willing to do so, an I think you will find most are. We adore people.
Please be our best friends too, and help us help you!
Trust me my friend, we have our challenges too. Just our animal life is full on in this Country...
....we have crocodiles and snakes (poisonous snakes and jellyfish). We treat them with respect but also act with caution around them, in case they have a bad day and decide to take it out on us!
We do 'enjoy a laugh' sometimes...largely of ourselves.....Think of 'Donk' in crocodile Dundee – in the pub scene...he is the bear drinking, massive, fun and down to earth classic depicted Aussie male, along with Steve Erwin and Paul Hogan in Crocodile Dundee. We love these characters, but I can assure you that there are beautiful gentlemen inside & out down under too! Some of these beautiful gentlemen are the young boys we are bringing up here too.
They see hardship, and smile anyway. They are resilient beyond measure and bring a smile to people no matter what they are going through.
This can be rough terrain over here with fires and floods and struggle and strife, but when there is a natural disaster, we watch people pull together and give of themselves selflessly. I have seen it so many times and adore our culture so much....and those that come here form overseas to live, may not have before, but start to know we have their backs too, and do what we can to help them out if they need it, even if it's just a smile and a kind word.
I ask though to please only help us if you are acting in people's highest and best interests, rather than self-interest, which to me is completely logical.
We are safe people in general & we give much more than that physically, mentally and on every one of the 9 levels we speak about in our signature program. The film AUSTRALIA by Bas Luhrman, starring Nicole Kidman & Hugh Jackman is worth watching & shows our plight.
Perhaps we could ask the question, What if?!
If there is a possibility of things turning out for the greater good of us all, why wouldn't we focus on this outcome and do everything we can to bring it to fruition?
I am not sure exactly what it is you need but I will do what I can to help and perhaps you will be open and honest enough with me and others to figure out what it is that you need. If I support you enough to keep you going, you will be resourceful I hope and find a way to get what you need, even if I am not the one who supplies it.
Maybe my support, and the support of others around you like your family and friends, especially long term friendships, may be just enough to get you through. Financially it can be tricky and it may also mean that you need to take a job or role in something that may not be the dream job just yet, but it is on your way there, because it supports you now.
How many actors and actresses and people in the arts for instance, have had to park cars or waitress or grab a casual job (where you can say no to a shift if you have an audition or something on, but grab as many other shifts as you can for instance). If you believe that most organisations will let you duck out to do something important to you, then this might also help.
Please go out and 'engage', meet people, talk to people and be present with them. Doing this with a smile, and a sense of fun, and caring can make a huge difference, keeping in mind other people's needs and reactions.
Also remember, even if it is not quote going to plan, NEVER give up, perhaps change your approach a little bit, but never give up trying to reach an outcome that is in the highest and best interest of all, including yourself that also solves important problems that need solving.
I wrote the below in one of my blog posts in our Facebook group which you are welcome to join:
Thank you for reading/listening (I wanted to add it here with all that is going on in the world at the moment however I hope to turn this into a video). I ask nothing of you other than to read, reflect and perhaps even apply this into your life if it rings true for you.
In the interests of brevity I make this post 1 of a series of posts called 'A Soulnation (whoops a genuine spelling error! Meant to read 'Solution') to Conflict'.
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