How To Avoid Earthbound Thinking...
Is it possible that a combination of Love (and the right kind of inspired action) really is the remedy to changing all things, perhaps even space travel and Defence?
Dare I say it, that love could also actually be the cure of mental health disorders and the key to creating a healthy body and mind?
What do I mean?
When I think of self love, I think we need to ensure that we are utilising rituals consistently on a day to day basis, even basic ones like exercise and eating as many nutrient rich raw foods as possible.
I will come back to this, but in the meantime, let's contemplate Energy.
Energy connects us all, and is kind of like the sun’s ability to radiate heat, in that we don’t see the sun's rays, but we can feel the heat energy when they hit our skin.
The sun’s radiation can heal people, grow plants, change skin cell pigments to a darker colour, and we may need to protect ourselves with a substance like Zinc cream (which acts as a barrier) on very high UV rated days.
NOTE: Just on this, exposure time, in the sun could change the sun protection rating required on sun creams. For instance, I only have 1 hour to sit in the sun, on the beach or park bench as opposed to having 5 hours, so I may only need a 15+ and I will still get enough sun exposure to ensure a tan and a good dose of Vitamin D.
Perhaps also, high UV rated days require more UV protection that low UV rated days.
We depend on the sun for all life. As you already know, plant life cannot exist without UV rays. To be blunt, plant life would be in a lot of trouble without it!
Healthy cells require Vitamin D, which comes from the sun or by taking oral supplements (which we could put inside A2 Milk even to increase our daily intake particularly in cold areas – a Doctor stated this could be a good idea, in small safe doses so that those taking supplements do not get too much, however it could reduce depression).
Without enough Vitamin D, we can experience a disorder called SAD’s (a possible problem on Mars or any other planet beyond ours).
If you think about it, we are at the perfect distance from the Sun, as planet Earth, and we only really fluctuate between approximately minus 50 degrees Celsius to worst case, usually 60 degrees Celsius….we never reach boiling point of 100 degrees.
It’s not too hot or cold for humans, animals and sea life to exist on Earth (having said this, some places are obviously ridiculously cold like Antarctica or Alaska and above, and it is ridiculously hot in some places like deserts).
What about other planets like Mars? Is there enough natural light from the Sun to grow plants and provide human beings with enough vitamin D to sustain life for long? Perhaps the movie The Martian, with Matt Damon answers some of these questions and is worth watching.
We could perhaps utilise UV lamps, however we would require a power source. We could utilise long life generators, but we would need long life batteries, a problem that we haven't yet solved, even in electric vehicles.
Something we should consider however, is how a solar flare could in fact change the Earth, it could actually take out our power grid, so long lasting battery back up could save us all, however generators would have to run for a long time in order to cover us while we got it all back up and running.
Nuclear power could be an option, however to run a nuclear power plant anywhere we still require a power or energy source. Also, getting nuclear materials like uranium to Mars could prove dangerous.
Some challenges to think about.
The point is, that Mars is further away from the Sun than Earth, which means that it may not be as warm on our bodies and may not be strong enough to grow the fresh food required to survive there, or sustain plant life. Matt Damon had to figure out how to grow enough food to make it home from Mars in The Martian, and it was incredible to watch how he went about it. You can check out the trailor via the link HERE.
I read on google that the atmosphere on mars is largely carbon dioxide and that means we would need water (feel free to look it up but form what I could google, there is water on Mars but not could perhaps be made through creating condensation by boiling the water...and we know that creating fire is perhaps possible from the movie, so boiling water could work....and we might need to as the water that is there is full of mineral salts which is undrinkable). Check out the NASA article NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows On Today's Mars from 2015 on
This raises another issue, and that is that to perhaps offset the carbon dioxide, and turn it into oxygen so we could maybe one day breathe even better on that planet, perhaps we could plant trees but would need water and enough sunlight, so the right kind of hardy, drought proof, verities....perhaps some Aussie gum or wattle trees even!
Earth is situated in exactly the right spot to get the best temperatures for plant life to grow and for humans and animals to get enough sunlight to thrive. Mars is a bit cold and the other planets may be uninhabitable due to the ridiculously low and hot temperatures that they reach and dip to. A human or animal would struggle to survive on them.
A big issue is the ozone layer and maybe we need more of one on Mars for reasons I can go into in another article. keep an eye out.
It is a nice idea that we could pack up and jet off to another planet, if we stuff this one up, but what if, our best solution is to take incredible care of this one and it's inhabitants.
This graphic below shows the mean temperatures of various destinations in our solar system (Planets not to scale), taken from NASA's website (ref below).
In general, the surface temperatures of planets decrease with increasing distance from the Sun. Venus is an exception because its dense atmosphere acts as a greenhouse and heats the surface to above the melting point of lead.
Mercury rotates slowly and has a thin atmosphere, and consequently, the night-side temperature can be more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit lower than the day-side temperature. It can be as cold as -290°F (-179°C) on Mercury at night.
Temperatures for the gas and ice giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) are taken from a level in the atmosphere equal in pressure to sea level on Earth.
Based on the above facts, could we hypothesize that because the suns rays can heal and harm, even though we can’t see them like many other power sources like microwaves, radiation, and high voltage energy, that perhaps, individuals could also put out energy of some kind?
Do you believe that the energy you give off as an individual could heal or harm? I ask, is this a dumb question, because some may think so?!
Let me state it another way then, could a person who is particularly sensitive, perhaps pick up on another’s energy?
Energy connects us all, effects us all, and has a positive, neutral or negative effect on us as humans. What I mean is that it has an effect on cells, molecules (perhaps in water or other fluids), and the elements that make up particles like electrons, which move around. An electron is a tiny, negatively charged particle that whizzes round the atomic nucleus. That’s been clear since its discovery by the British physicist J. J. Thomson in 1897 (see reference below).
Wood is a solid, so there is less movement of electrons and energy overall inside it.
Liquids and gases are not solid, which means that there is more movement of electrons, protons and neutrons in a nucleus.
The reason I went through this Science lesson above, is because the human body is made up of solids like bones (they are solid on the outside but not fully solid on the inside) and have elements in them from the periodic table that are also vitamins and minerals like calcium. Is this or is this not correct? Maybe look up the periodic table and tell us below in the comments.
NOTE: Scientists use the periodic table to quickly refer to information about an element, like atomic mass and chemical symbol.
We are also made up of liquids and gases like blood, plasma, and gastric juices and other bodily fluids.
So, what if, energy, put out into the Earth’s atmosphere by any source, could have either a positive, neutral or negative effect on a human?
What if, an individual’s energy output from an emotional perspective could also send out energy waves that hit another person’s body?
Here is an example for you....have you ever walked into a room and known something was not quite right?
Have you ever heard the term ‘I could cut the air like a knife?’
What they mean is that you can pick up on the energy that was there previously and it is dense and thick air perhaps.
It could be that a couple had a fight, and you happen to walk in just afterwards, or a maybe board meeting was more ‘spirited’ than usual in the room that you are in?
Have you ever felt anything like this before?
What if, these negative energy waves, hit skin cells and beyond (ie. they enter the body) and could change them and perhaps even the other solids, liquids or gases contained in a negative way?
What if, the flip side is also true?
Here is a theory: What if, genuine love energy (which could in fact be considered the 5th element WATCH THE MOVIE HERE ; }) directed at another, could in fact have the opposite effect, in that it heals, rather than harms skin and other cells in another's body and has a positive effect on them somehow.
If you think of a cancerous cell, it is a damaged skin cell.
How can cancerous cells be changed into healthy cells or blasted with something that changes them? They use radiation.
We know love is energy, which reaches us in waves, so I ask you this? Could an energy put out by a human like love (which could positively effect the space around you perhaps, like in the example above, which we can all pick up on), even be considered radiation or have a positive effect on a particle?
First we have to ask ourselves, what is radiation or energy?
Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light.
We cannot help but interact with energy and guess what we all are and what makes up all things?
We are all connected and being connected is being intertwined with all things, living and not, including unborn children in Mother’s tummies. If you think of premature twin babies, nurses like to keep them together in an incubator and studies have been done and when they do, the children are more likely to survive and thrive because of the interaction between them....they don't even have to be touching. Cobedding is a comforting measure for twin premature infants during heel lancing (taken from a 'Sciencedirect' article and there are many other articles that say they are comforted just be sleeping in the same vicinity).
Therefore, an important questions could be raised, do we all have a responsibility to change the vibration, or the energy waves put out through our emotional states, including harsh or gentle, loving words or at least pull them back to neutral, so we do not have a negative energetic effect on people and things around us?
A good question to ask is – how are we effecting others with our energy and emotional states?
This question might be a good reason to commit to lifting your energy and be 'willing' to change and lift, which we can help you with.
I went to a doctor and had a conversation about overall Health. The Doctor spoke to me about having a Defense strategy.
What he meant was a Defense strategy like maintaining good health through diet and daily exercise. We can help with your health rituals, if you take a look at the links below.
I added, that from an emotional perspective, it is only when I felt fear and doubt that I started to go downhill from an energy perspective and my immune system took a nosedive.
The solution was to utilise my own work and the content from some of the most important parts of my signature program, and also putting up notes quoting this work all around me, the mirror, the wall, the bedroom walls (so I saw them as soon as I got up) and wherever I would frequent so that I could deflect, deter and distract myself from thinking fearful, doubting and negative thoughts.
For your daily stretching, and exercise, grab this download which has been improved, HERE
For your diet, and if you want to know the secret to losing 4 sizes in 4 and a half months, then take a look HERE
What else is possible with the loving energy, compassion and faith toward another?
Can we find it within ourselves to give each other the benefit of the doubt?
To have each other's backs?
To treat each other like we want to be treated?
Be honest, and lead with integrity?
Have each other's backs....
....and create a wave of trust on the planet?
Yes We Can. (Obama quote)
Here are a few questions for you to consider which I will write about on our next blog (and we expand on questions like this in our signature program which you can try out for $1):
1) What is the relationship between time and energy output?
- If we increased travel time through velocity, still ensuring comfort for all passengers involved, could this create safer airways and greater efficiencies in their work output?
If I am not wasting time, then I am not wasting energy I would think!
2) How do we increase efficiencies by utilising our waste, perhaps into materials and energy production.
3) How many truths are there? What if there is more than one truth?
4) What makes a relationship work and how can family units live together in increased harmony? Dare I suggest that it is in fact possible?!
As Denzel Washington said in this video,
"Do not aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference." This clip is incredible if you watch it from 4.25 mins. I could not agree with his message more.
Watch it HERE
How often do you think of the Universe and other planet’s? During high school (year 7 to 12), we did Science and projects that encouraged our thinking about other planets and also encouraged to ask questions about them.
I honestly believe that, unless you have a profession that focuses on the sky – like astronomy, space exploration, or perhaps the weather, or you fly aircraft or partake in the space program or are an astronaut, we tend to forget to think about life beyond Earth.
Dare I say it, but Earthbound thinking starts after high school for most as we focus in on our relationships and our professions or vocations and things on the ground like children, cars, houses, finances, and so much more starts to take over and limits us to Earthbound thinking.
Elon Musk and other space explorers challenge our Earthbound thinking, which is what we all need through SpaceEx.
If this post interests you, you simply must make time to watch his speech about Mars here
Richard Branson also does this through Virgin & Virgin Galactic.
It seems that Branson and I really like RR - Range Rover's too as they have created an Astronaut Edition that tows the (it is so worth a look at the launch process and their spacecraft VGSC (Virgin Galactic SpaceCraft).
From their website I grabbed these two quotes:
"No matter where each of us stands on this planet we call home, we all look up to the same place. That’s why we believe space belongs to everyone: the adventurous, the audacious, and the curious."
“We are at the vanguard of a new industry determined to pioneer twenty-first century spacecraft, which will open space to everybody — and change the world for good.” Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Galactic.
You might need our FREE GIFT to lesson your anxiety upon take off for one of these flight though! Find it on our blog page and go ahead and enter your name & email address and get an incredible free video also.
NASA Picture Reference:
Electron Reference:
Periodic table Reference: Scientists use the periodic table to quickly refer to information about an element, like atomic mass and chemical symbol.
Radiation: › wiki OR
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