How Values Influence Behaviour Have you ever thought about what it is that you value in your life…? When I was about 19, I found myself studying a University course that I knew deep down was not …
What Affirmations Can Do
Affirmations are thoughts you have thought over and over that have been accepted by your subconscious and turned into a belief, through repetitive thinking. We are creatures of habitual thinking. …
Gratitude Can Influence Psychological Health
Practising gratitude or appreciation on a daily basis can change your life. Especially if you build a ritual as soon you wake up to run through the things you are grateful for in your mind. …
How Negative Thinking Changes Your Brain
Ever Wondered how Negative thinking affects your health? Well, negative thinking genuinely does change your brain structure over time, it can cause chemicals or hormones to be released that can …
Can’t Stop Negative Thoughts?
Why are Negative Thoughts so hard to stop and why do we even have them? We explain.. A must watch! PS. Want more of this? Well then, sign up to our regular blog (and get a free gift to ensure …
How Beliefs Affect Our Lives
Ever wanted to know what beliefs are and how they affect our lives, our attitude and our actions and what that means for our futures? A must watch! PS. Want more of this? Well then, …