Animals can catch our viruses and colds, which was confirmed by a veterinary specialist. Please get them to the vet if they are showing any signs of a cough or cold.
It was also confirmed that animals can get too cold in the Winter Months.
It was confirmed by this same vet specialist that domestic animals who stay outside in the colder months, perhaps with a jacket on, can do so until it gets to 5 degrees C or below.
Once it is below 4 or 5 Degrees C, for any animal, then if you can perhaps put them in an outdoor shed or laundry perhaps maybe with cardboard or puppy pads on the floor, with a mat to lie down on, with all toxic sprays, or even washing powder put away.
Another option is to get them a heated outdoor mat and kennel.
If you don't mind having them inside, on a tiled floor so if they mess it isn't an issue. Perhaps utilise puppy pads also and train them with liver treats to go on these mats, and make sure they have water.
The next step to ensure internal health is worming (once they have recovered from any sickness of course). Heart worm is serious and perhaps deadly issue.
If you think of it this way, would you risk losing your pet? Even rabbits and guinea pigs are susceptible. The smaller the animal, the colder it will get.
Just on this, rabbits and other animals, even cats, should be brought into a room inside that has been cleared out of cords and anything they can bite or get their teeth into.
They are also susceptible to mosquito bites and could end up with myxomatosis which is basically Rabbit cruel and nasty virus. It is a good idea to keep their pens away from bodies of water like ponds as this is where they can breed etc.
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In my time on the planet so far, I have been lucky enough to spend time on farms with farm animals over the years, since I was little actually!
I have seen baby calves, and their Mothers struggle with feeding the same way human Mother's do. Some cannot attach to their teets properly, and this is why both Mother and baby need to be monitored for 24-48 hours after birth. Just like human Mother's.
Some baby calves, just like human babies, cannot feed properly or find the teets to attach to.
This can be so sad, as in hotter months of the year, they can dehydrate and may require a trip to the vet and a drip inserted, costing several hundreds of dollars.
If larger animals become unwell, I have discovered, that rural and regional vets don't have the necessary veterinary tools to do things like a bronchoscopy's for animals like calves, even horses and foals, as, if they don't get attended to by a vet, they can fall ill to secondary viruses like pneumonia (which is excessive fluid or mucus in the lungs).
Devastating but true unfortunately.
Please look for cough and cold symptoms in your animals, and please try and get them to the vet sooner rather than later as you might just save their lives. So, look out for that chesty cough or any breathing issues, just like you would a human child.
Having said this, most will be alright if it is caught early.
Please also watch for ear infections too, as nasty ones can be very painful and can mess with their hearing after a cold, if not caught and treated in time. Ears can be flushed out with water via a high pressure syringe squirting it in the canal to clear out any wax or fluid bits out, that are causing issues. Having said this, it must be done by a trained professional.
If you are sick or have a virus or are unwell, I strongly suggest that you wear gloves and perhaps even a mask to handle your animals, as they definitely can catch our viruses and colds, which was confirmed by a veterinary specialist, as stated above.
There are a couple of ways of checking for ear infections, one is a smell from their ears, and another is when they shake their heads from side to side, or scratch at their ears. Ear issues could be part of a sinus type of infection.
Perhaps be careful of animals, especially dogs sharing a water bowl as they could both become unwell, (just like humans sharing a water bottle)!
Sometimes if a cow does not feed well, farmers, just like human nurses, have to put the calf on formula straight away, or give them a top up feed and release them back to their Mother's which is an ideal solution.
Be careful that cold or flue type contagions do not contaminate the formula milk accidentally. If in doubt, perhaps wear a mask and gloves.
It is possible to hand feed formula to all young animals, including calves and fully grown bulls and steers.
It is best not to breed calves, sheep or horses or any large outdoor animal, in the colder months, where possible. This is applicable for any animal kept outside.
All of this can happen to humans too, so perhaps make it a priority to get coughs checked for fluid in the lungs and also, worm your self and your children soon, on a regular basis, as directed by a doctor, once they have recovered from a cold or flu or virus of any kind.
An extra blanket for humans can help, so can a jumper or jacket which covers their chests, particularly after exercise, or in the cooler evening or night air.
On another note, the Methane that cows let off is an issue worldwide, and many farmers and scientists worldwide are currently looking into what diets can help and I cannot remember where I got this information, or I would quote it, but from my research, but I read that perhaps seaweed might help, along with some lucerne, which is a type of hay (but be very careful of quantities, as lucerne may upset their tummies and moods).
We, as a nation, are very passionate about our animals, and each other. Let's work together to save as many animals, in particular livestock, as we can, along with our domestic animals.
Please ensure you stay alert and watch for issues like coughs and colds, with your pets!!
We acknowledge our traditional elders of the land, in writing this post.
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